Traits in Noir are a useful abstraction similar to interfaces or protocols in other languages. Each trait defines the interface of several methods contained within the trait. Types can then implement this trait by providing implementations for these methods. For example in the program:
struct Rectangle {
width: Field,
height: Field,
impl Rectangle {
fn area(self) -> Field {
self.width * self.height
fn log_area(r: Rectangle) {
We have a function log_area
to log the area of a Rectangle
. Now how should we change the program if we want this
function to work on Triangle
s as well?:
struct Triangle {
width: Field,
height: Field,
impl Triangle {
fn area(self) -> Field {
self.width * self.height / 2
Making log_area
generic over all types T
would be invalid since not all types have an area
method. Instead, we can
introduce a new Area
trait and make log_area
generic over all types T
that implement Area
trait Area {
fn area(self) -> Field;
fn log_area<T>(shape: T) where T: Area {
We also need to explicitly implement Area
for Rectangle
and Triangle
. We can do that by changing their existing
impls slightly. Note that the parameter types and return type of each of our area
methods must match those defined
by the Area
impl Area for Rectangle {
fn area(self) -> Field {
self.width * self.height
impl Area for Triangle {
fn area(self) -> Field {
self.width * self.height / 2
Now we have a working program that is generic over any type of Shape that is used! Others can even use this program
as a library with their own types - such as Circle
- as long as they also implement Area
for these types.
Where Clauses
As seen in log_area
above, when we want to create a function or method that is generic over any type that implements
a trait, we can add a where clause to the generic function.
fn log_area<T>(shape: T) where T: Area {
It is also possible to apply multiple trait constraints on the same variable at once by combining traits with the +
operator. Similarly, we can have multiple trait constraints by separating each with a comma:
fn foo<T, U>(elements: [T], thing: U) where
T: Default + Add + Eq,
U: Bar,
let mut sum = T::default();
for element in elements {
sum += element;
if sum == T::default() {;
Invoking trait methods
As seen in the previous section, the area
method was invoked on a type T
that had a where clause T: Area
To invoke area
on a type that directly implements the trait Area
, the trait must be in scope (imported):
use geometry::Rectangle;
fn main() {
let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 1, height: 2};
let area = rectangle.area(); // Error: the compiler doesn't know which `area` method this is
The above program errors because there might be multiple traits with an area
method, all implemented
by Rectangle
, and it's not clear which one should be used.
To make the above program compile, the trait must be imported:
use geometry::Rectangle;
use geometry::Area; // Bring the Area trait into scope
fn main() {
let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 1, height: 2};
let area = rectangle.area(); // OK: will use `area` from `geometry::Area`
An error will also be produced if multiple traits with an area
method are in scope. If both traits
are needed in a file you can use the fully-qualified path to the trait:
use geometry::Rectangle;
fn main() {
let rectangle = Rectangle { width: 1, height: 2};
let area = geometry::Area::area(rectangle);
As Trait Syntax
Rarely to call a method it may not be sufficient to use the general method call syntax of obj.method(args)
One case where this may happen is if there are two traits in scope which both define a method with the same name.
For example:
trait Foo { fn bar(); }
trait Foo2 { fn bar(); }
fn example<T>()
where T: Foo + Foo2
// How to call Foo::bar and Foo2::bar?
In the above example we have both Foo
and Foo2
which define a bar
method. The normal way to resolve
this would be to use the static method syntax Foo::bar(object)
but there is no object in this case and
does not appear in the type signature of bar
at all so we would not know which impl to choose.
For these situations there is the "as trait" syntax: <Type as Trait>::method(object, args...)
fn example<T>()
where T: Foo + Foo2
<T as Foo>::bar();
<T as Foo2>::bar();
Generic Implementations
You can add generics to a trait implementation by adding the generic list after the impl
trait Second {
fn second(self) -> Field;
impl<T> Second for (T, Field) {
fn second(self) -> Field {
You can also implement a trait for every type this way:
trait Debug {
fn debug(self);
impl<T> Debug for T {
fn debug(self) {
fn main() {
Generic Trait Implementations With Where Clauses
Where clauses can be placed on trait implementations themselves to restrict generics in a similar way.
For example, while impl<T> Foo for T
implements the trait Foo
for every type, impl<T> Foo for T where T: Bar
will implement Foo
only for types that also implement Bar
. This is often used for implementing generic types.
For example, here is the implementation for array equality:
impl<T, let N: u32> Eq for [T; let N: u32] where T: Eq {
// Test if two arrays have the same elements.
// Because both arrays must have length N, we know their lengths already match.
fn eq(self, other: Self) -> bool {
let mut result = true;
for i in 0 .. self.len() {
// The T: Eq constraint is needed to call == on the array elements here
result &= self[i] == other[i];
Where clauses can also be placed on struct implementations. For example, here is a method utilizing a generic type that implements the equality trait.
struct Foo<T> {
a: u32,
b: T,
impl<T> Foo<T> where T: Eq {
fn eq(self, other: Self) -> bool {
(self.a == other.a) & self.b.eq(other.b)
Generic Traits
Traits themselves can also be generic by placing the generic arguments after the trait name. These generics are in scope of every item within the trait.
trait Into<T> {
// Convert `self` to type `T`
fn into(self) -> T;
When implementing generic traits the generic arguments of the trait must be specified. This is also true anytime
when referencing a generic trait (e.g. in a where
struct MyStruct {
array: [Field; 2],
impl Into<[Field; 2]> for MyStruct {
fn into(self) -> [Field; 2] {
fn as_array<T>(x: T) -> [Field; 2]
where T: Into<[Field; 2]>
fn main() {
let array = [1, 2];
let my_struct = MyStruct { array };
assert_eq(as_array(my_struct), array);
Associated Types and Constants
Traits also support associated types and constraints which can be thought of as additional generics that are referred to by name.
Here's an example of a trait with an associated type Foo
and a constant Bar
trait MyTrait {
type Foo;
let Bar: u32;
Now when we're implementing MyTrait
we also have to provide values for Foo
and Bar
impl MyTrait for Field {
type Foo = i32;
let Bar: u32 = 11;
Since associated constants can also be used in a type position, its values are limited to only other expression kinds allowed in numeric generics.
When writing a trait constraint, you can specify all associated types and constants explicitly if you wish:
fn foo<T>(x: T) where T: MyTrait<Foo = i32, Bar = 11> {
Or you can also elide them since there should only be one Foo
and Bar
for a given implementation
of MyTrait
for a type:
fn foo<T>(x: T) where T: MyTrait {
If you elide associated types, you can still refer to them via the type as trait syntax <T as MyTrait>
fn foo<T>(x: T) where
T: MyTrait,
<T as MyTrait>::Foo: Default + Eq
let foo_value: <T as MyTrait>::Foo = Default::default();
assert_eq(foo_value, foo_value);
Trait Methods With No self
A trait can contain any number of methods, each of which have access to the Self
type which represents each type
that eventually implements the trait. Similarly, the self
variable is available as well but is not required to be used.
For example, we can define a trait to create a default value for a type. This trait will need to return the Self
but doesn't need to take any parameters:
trait Default {
fn default() -> Self;
Implementing this trait can be done similarly to any other trait:
impl Default for Field {
fn default() -> Field {
struct MyType {}
impl Default for MyType {
fn default() -> Field {
MyType {}
However, since there is no self
parameter, we cannot call it via the method call syntax object.method()
Instead, we'll need to refer to the function directly. This can be done either by referring to the
specific impl MyType::default()
or referring to the trait itself Default::default()
. In the later
case, type inference determines the impl that is selected.
let my_struct = MyStruct::default();
let x: Field = Default::default();
let result = x + Default::default();
Default Method Implementations
A trait can also have default implementations of its methods by giving a body to the desired functions.
Note that this body must be valid for all types that may implement the trait. As a result, the only
valid operations on self
will be operations valid for any type or other operations on the trait itself.
trait Numeric {
fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self;
// Default implementation of double is (self + self)
fn double(self) -> Self {
When implementing a trait with default functions, a type may choose to implement only the required functions:
impl Numeric for Field {
fn add(self, other: Field) -> Field {
self + other
Or it may implement the optional methods as well:
impl Numeric for u32 {
fn add(self, other: u32) -> u32 {
self + other
fn double(self) -> u32 {
self * 2
Impl Specialization
When implementing traits for a generic type it is possible to implement the trait for only a certain combination of generics. This can be either as an optimization or because those specific generics are required to implement the trait.
trait Sub {
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self;
struct NonZero<T> {
value: T,
impl Sub for NonZero<Field> {
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
let value = self.value - other.value;
assert(value != 0);
NonZero { value }
Overlapping Implementations
Overlapping implementations are disallowed by Noir to ensure Noir's decision on which impl to select is never ambiguous.
This means if a trait Foo
is already implemented
by a type Bar<T>
for all T
, then we cannot also have a separate impl for Bar<Field>
(or any other
type argument). Similarly, if there is an impl for all T
such as impl<T> Debug for T
, we cannot create
any more impls to Debug
for other types since it would be ambiguous which impl to choose for any given
method call.
trait Trait {}
// Previous impl defined here
impl<A, B> Trait for (A, B) {}
// error: Impl for type `(Field, Field)` overlaps with existing impl
impl Trait for (Field, Field) {}
Trait Coherence
Another restriction on trait implementations is coherence. This restriction ensures other crates cannot create impls that may overlap with other impls, even if several unrelated crates are used as dependencies in the same program.
The coherence restriction is: to implement a trait, either the trait itself or the object type must be declared in the crate the impl is in.
In practice this often comes up when using types provided by libraries. If a library provides a type Foo
that does
not implement a trait in the standard library such as Default
, you may not impl Default for Foo
in your own crate.
While restrictive, this prevents later issues or silent changes in the program if the Foo
library later added its
own impl for Default
. If you are a user of the Foo
library in this scenario and need a trait not implemented by the
library your choices are to either submit a patch to the library or use the newtype pattern.
The Newtype Pattern
The newtype pattern gets around the coherence restriction by creating a new wrapper type around the library type
that we cannot create impl
s for. Since the new wrapper type is defined in our current crate, we can create
impls for any trait we need on it.
struct Wrapper {
foo: some_library::Foo,
impl Default for Wrapper {
fn default() -> Wrapper {
Wrapper {
foo: some_library::Foo::new(),
Since we have an impl for our own type, the behavior of this code will not change even if some_library
is updated
to provide its own impl Default for Foo
. The downside of this pattern is that it requires extra wrapping and
unwrapping of values when converting to and from the Wrapper
and Foo
Trait Inheritance
Sometimes, you might need one trait to use another trait’s functionality (like "inheritance" in some other languages). In this case, you can specify this relationship by listing any child traits after the parent trait's name and a colon. Now, whenever the parent trait is implemented it will require the child traits to be implemented as well. A parent trait is also called a "super trait."
trait Person {
fn name(self) -> String;
// Person is a supertrait of Student.
// Implementing Student requires you to also impl Person.
trait Student: Person {
fn university(self) -> String;
trait Programmer {
fn fav_language(self) -> String;
// CompSciStudent (computer science student) is a subtrait of both Programmer
// and Student. Implementing CompSciStudent requires you to impl both supertraits.
trait CompSciStudent: Programmer + Student {
fn git_username(self) -> String;
Trait Aliases
Similar to the proposed Rust feature for trait aliases, Noir supports aliasing one or more traits and using those aliases wherever traits would normally be used.
trait Foo {
fn foo(self) -> Self;
trait Bar {
fn bar(self) -> Self;
// Equivalent to:
// trait Baz: Foo + Bar {}
// impl<T> Baz for T where T: Foo + Bar {}
trait Baz = Foo + Bar;
// We can use `Baz` to refer to `Foo + Bar`
fn baz<T>(x: T) -> T where T: Baz {
Generic Trait Aliases
Trait aliases can also be generic by placing the generic arguments after the trait name. These generics are in scope of every item within the trait alias.
trait Foo {
fn foo(self) -> Self;
trait Bar<T> {
fn bar(self) -> T;
// Equivalent to:
// trait Baz<T>: Foo + Bar<T> {}
// impl<T, U> Baz<T> for U where U: Foo + Bar<T> {}
trait Baz<T> = Foo + Bar<T>;
Trait Alias Where Clauses
Trait aliases support where clauses to add trait constraints to any of their
generic arguments, e.g. ensuring T: Baz
for a trait alias Qux<T>
trait Foo {
fn foo(self) -> Self;
trait Bar<T> {
fn bar(self) -> T;
trait Baz {
fn baz(self) -> bool;
// Equivalent to:
// trait Qux<T>: Foo + Bar<T> where T: Baz {}
// impl<T, U> Qux<T> for U where
// U: Foo + Bar<T>,
// T: Baz,
// {}
trait Qux<T> = Foo + Bar<T> where T: Baz;
Note that while trait aliases support where clauses, the equivalent traits can fail due to #6467
By default, like functions, traits and trait aliases are private to the module
they exist in. You can use pub
to make the trait public or pub(crate)
to make
it public to just its crate:
// This trait is now public
pub trait Trait {}
// This trait alias is now public
pub trait Baz = Foo + Bar;
Trait methods have the same visibility as the trait they are in.